I theorise as cores, frequencies and IPCs have increased, the source engine hasnt scaled well. This guide is aimed primarily at stutter, something I didnt experince until 6 core CPUS and DDR4.
I havnt played CSGO on a potato in quite a while now.
There is no saying this guide wont help you with lower specced hardware, but any experience Ive had with CSGO has been with machines that can hit 144fps consitent. After seeing another post today about stutter, I figured its time I brought this infomation together. Luckily, Id been dealing with problem for a while and have collated a series of fixes that have improved the responsiveness and performance consistency of CSGO. My recent 5800x/3080 with an NVMe install stuttered right out of the box in DMs. Now anyone whos built a system that far exceeds CSGOs system requirements has probably been left dumb founded as to why they can exceed 250+ frames yet still face stutter their previous hardware just didnt.